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| 514-509-2000 | FR

Exceptional Patient No.2

LD is diabetic and underwent an open carpal tunnel release on his right hand at another clinic. He is scheduled to have the same surgery on his left hand 6 weeks from the first one. Unfortunately, he developed a wound infection and had trouble with scheduling an adequate medical follow-up. After this experience, LD did not want to have an open carpal tunnel release again.

He then decides to book a consultation at Exception MD for his left hand. During consultation, the diagnosis of wound infection is confirmed and LD is put under antibiotics. A few weeks later, after complete healing of the wound infection, he undergoes an endoscopic carpal tunnel release for which he recovered from fully.

 patient picture
"It is a whole other experience compared to having surgery at the hospital, the healing process, of course, but I am especially grateful that I was treated like a person and not like a number. After surgery, especially in the case of an infection, it is reassuring to have the adequate follow-up."

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