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When we think of carpal tunnel syndrome, physical symptoms such as numbness, tingling, wrist pain and loss of fine dexterity immediately come to mind. However carpal tunnel syndrome can also become incapacitating to the point of affecting the patient’s psychological well-being and …

To reduce pain associated with various conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger, cortisone injections, also known as infiltrations, are sometimes recommended. Indeed, this potent anti-inflammatory can…

The human body consists of hundreds of joints, but few are as visible and active as those in the fingers and wrists. We use them constantly, and in the digital age, they are often the only parts of our body that move for long hours. Unfortunately, one in ten…

As the construction weeks come to an end in Quebec, thousands of workers are preparing to return to work. As carpenters, heavy machinery operators, bricklayers, tile setters, and painters get ready to resume their tools, it is important to remind them…

Le syndrome du canal carpien est une complication fréquente, mais peu connue de la grossesse. Bien qu’il n’existe pas de données exactes sur sa prévalence, certaines études ont révélé que le SCC affecte, à divers degrés, jusqu’à 60 % des femmes enceintes.

Vous venez de subir une chirurgie de la main? Voyez comment optimiser votre guérison pour un retour rapide à vos activités.

The conventional or “open” method of decompression involves making a 3-4 cm incision in the palm of the hand to cut the transverse carpal ligament and reduce pressure on the median nerve. This is the method most commonly practiced in the Canadian public health system.

L’arthrose est une maladie particulièrement répandue. Aussi connue sous le nom d’arthropathie chronique dégénérative, elle s’attaque aux articulations, provoquant la dégradation du cartilage et causant parfois la formation d’excroissances osseuses.

Are you a new mom and spending a lot of time with your offspring in your arms? Carrying a child for repeated long periods can cause strain and pain in the wrists and hands. What appears as a temporary discomfort can sometimes develop into a more serious condition: De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, also called “mommy thumb” or young mother’s tendonitis.

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